Instructions for checking with Ebara's anti-counterfeit stamp (2024)
Dear Value Customers,
Ebara Vietnam Pump Company (EVPC) sincerely thanks to all customers for choosing our product so far.
After 20 years with big support, EBARA is becoming one of the most famous pump’s brand in Vietnam market. However, several individuals and organizations take unfair advantage of EBARA brand to supply imitative products.
To guarantee EBARA’s prestige as well as benefit of customer, EBARA is pleased to announced that we are cooperating with Vina CHG company and Ministry of Public Security to print and stick anti-counterfeiting stamps to all standard pumps of EBARA.
Through this letter, EBARA warns all customers and partners to check EBARA products carefully before purchasing and only buy at authorized distributors and shops in Vietnam.
To inspect EBARA’s authentic product, remove a grey cover and send a message with an instruction on the stamp. Then, a system will automatically send back to you an confirmation message of an authentic product or a fake one.
If you have any question or concern, please feel free to contact EBARA Vietnam anytime at:
- Telephone: 024-3289-9911
- Email:
- Or sign in our website:
Sincerely thanks !

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